i've been reading this book, Live your truth and wanted to share some bits from it:
"When something comes from within, when it is a part of you, you have no choice but to live it, to express it. That’s when you become, well, awesome. There is one rule, though: once you discover your truth, you have to go all in. Fully. Every single chip. That is when the shift happens. As if there’s a force in life waiting for us to make the decision, to commit, jump off that cliff. Then life breathes a deep sigh and opens the gates, fills the sails. It’s magical to experience. I wish that for you."
"Sometimes, the only way to evolve is to open ourselves fully. Be raw, honest. Vulnerable. That’s another thing I’ve learned. There is strength in this vulnerability, in tearing down the walls. People sense it in you. The world is hungry for it. And the greatest healing — for you, for those around you — it comes from opening. Opening yourself wide. To your humanness, to your feelings. And ultimately, to yourself."
Kamal Ravikant: Live Your Truth
Kalapana Sunset |
In the process of writing out this post i started to look thru my pics from hawaii, so now im here seeing these pictures, the human that i was, the things i was doing, the beauty all around me and my heart is hurting. I fell in love on that island, with the land, with friends, with animals, with beauty, with aunties and uncles, with myself, with pain. I embraced all that is life, learned to live, learned to be humble and strong and to trust myself, to feel, to accept and embrace my emotions. I miss the island, my friends, auntie mari, the farm, the beach boys, the smell of the jungle, pohoiki, red road, the food, coqui frogs, literally everything. i know i'll return eventually. my heart feels ready, i feel ready but the time doesnt feel right, and if there's one thing ive learned from that island its that timing is everything. i will continue to go with the flow because thats how it works. but holy shit, those islands have me feelin some type of way.